Charles Ball is the primary unmanned aircraft operator. He has many years of experience operating a wide variety of radio-controlled vehicles. He’s had a passion for mechanical devices of every kind since childhood. While getting his B.S. in physics he worked as a mechanic in a bike shop, which married his love of mechanics and the outdoors. As a computer programmer for his entire professional career he uses technology to solve problems every day. Rising Eyes gives him the opportunity to use technology, dig his hands into the mechanics behind that technology, and enjoy the outdoors. Who could ask for more?
Puppy McFace is the primary video and photo editor. Rachel has a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from UNC Chapel Hill. Her experience with photo and video content gathering and editing started in 2003, she knows her way around several editing platforms. She has a background in html and web presences as well as social media and marketing. A skilled communicator across many mediums, Rachel will oversee the video production, sales, and marketing for Rising Eyes.